The 2010 project of
Athletes In Action Holland sent over 35 teams into Africa this winter (summer in northern hemisphere). Most of those teams ministered in South Africa due to the world's attention on the World Cup Soccer. Words cannot express how much joy we experienced hosting one of those teams!
Please check the fantastic work of AIA Holland at
With a week full of ministry and fellowship the internet was always in use, so bear with me as we recap the impact these Godly young men had in our lives and the Knysna community
MONDAY... arrival, unpack and prepare
Up early and play football (soccer) at the prison, great conversations took place on the sidelines with those that didn't play, then a time of worship, skit and prayer
resulting in 10 1st time commitments to Christ! As a soccer ball was presented to Mr Arries (Head of Prison) and Andrew Nortje (Warden),

they commented on this as a very special treat for inmates rarely get to participate in sports.

Off to Knysna High School for CIA after a quick lunch.
With awesome worship to prepare the hearts of the students,
A skit illustrating the power of sin in our lives, and a testimony of the freedom Christ brings spoke volumes!

Finish CIA...
Off to Knysna Sr Secondary School...
for "After School Sports Program". Using 4 stations; Students rotated between footwork skills, header skills, soccer game, and Gospel presentation with bead bracelet. After receiv- ing a bracelet each student practiced sharing the Gospel with each other.
WED...Sports ministry training for YFC staff, and then to "The Rock" by inv- tation of Richard Meyer to share a skit.

THURS...Go shopping for a sports bag to give away filled with sports ministry equipment (soccer balls, cones, team jerseys, ministry manuals, etc.)
Team spends time at Sinethemba for Devotions and a soccer game with "children at risk" (commonly called 'street children').
While the team played soccer, Nathan and one of the team leaders drove to the Island Church Soup Kitchen at Hlalane
where Timo gave the women brand new donated clothes brought from Holland.
Before leaving, Sinethemba staff were trained in how to use the materials in the Ministry Sports Bag to reach kids with the good news of salvation through Jesus.

Lunch on the run, while Nathan drove to another "After School Sports" ministry time at Plettenburg Bay Secondary.
(not many pictures due to Nathan needing to repair the muffler that fell off at Sinethemba!)
The day ended with a special reward for the teams hard work... Knysna Elephant Park.
FRIDAY... Serenity Drug Rehab Center
Using "The Prize... Chasing The Dream" DVD clients listened to encouraging testimonies of high profile international soccer players and their message emphasizing the importance of having a purpose in life, and also that failure is part of life allowing us to learn from our mistakes. A game of volleyball lifted many spirits as well!

Ending the day at The
CROSSing (youth club held at the YFC Centre), Athletes in Action shared a "skiing" ice breaker, worship, another skit and personal testimony of God's love.

SATURDAY... A much needed day of rest and fun (except for Nathan the driver) for experiencing God's creation first hand! The Cango Caves extend 1.2km into the mountains outside of Oudshoorn. Unable to fit through the "letter box" slit (and frankly, not desiring to try) Nathan and I chose the standard tour, while the boys were much more adventurous... they are after all "athletes" in action!
Ending the trip just before the falls at Merringsport Pass closed... they wouldn't be boys unless they jumped into the pool while we watched!
SUNDAY...A continuing tradition with all our visiting teams... We shared The Lord's Supper with these 8 godly young men from Holland (and 3 of their visiting support staff). This "last" supper is not our last meal with them... we are looking forward to a great reunion feast in heaven!

As part of their goal to support local churches the day wrapped up with one last opportunity to share God's love with the children from Solid Rock youth in Concordia and Hornlee.
Athletes... we will never forget the awesome week God allowed us to spend with you. You impacted the whole community of Knysna... may the Lord richly bless you and continue to use you back home in Holland!