Starting with Nathan...
Over the course of 4 weeks, Nathan organized for Reggie Donson (YFC staff) and 2 YFC volunteers to facilitate HIV/AIDS information sessions in the prison. Over the first 3 weeks, they met with 104 men in different wards with 31 signing up for voluntary testing. This was only a means to meet with the men, God had alternative plans.

Starting with worship, led by Caz (from the Island Church worship team) and a message from God's Word from Nathan, two volunteers living with HIV, gave testimony to the reality of contracting the virus and living with it (the risk in prison is sharing blades and needles while tattooing and rape). Their lives are testimonies of God's grace and forgiveness and empowerment to live a life for him, even when infected. More important than the high response to "know your status" was the response for prayer and deeper relationship with Christ... 4 of the 16 men that desired prayer gave their hearts to Christ and are now living an eternal life in Him
VISITORS to our home...
February 3rd, two staff from YFC Germany came to visit Knysna YFC. Daniela Sudmeier, the project coordinator for Ithemba - teams of South Africans trained in creative arts (dance, drama, games) by YFC-SA to tour Germany and work with youth around the country... and Olly Deuck, the director of Project Serve Germany, finding YFC's around the world for German High School graduates (matriculants) to spend their gap year serving the Lord (short term mission, 3mo - 1 yr) before continuing education at university.
Olly was very pleased with the ministry in Knysna (and the set up of our home to house volunteers), and only 1 week later called to say "Your first volunteer will be transferring from New Zealand to stay with you for 3 months if you have a place for her." Valentines Day, Nathan and I drove 3 1/2 hours to Port Elizabeth to pick up the newest member of our household, Maike Knauss.
As Maike was settling in during her first week she soon discovered that the rooms in our home have revolving doors. The next day Paul and Virginia Nurmi (YFC World Outreach Pastoral Care Ministry) came to hang out with Nathan and I for 5 days. Their job... to love on the YFC World Outreach missionaries... ME (and Nathan), to learn how to better pray for us, and encourage us.
Two nights before Paul and Virginia left, we received a call from a friend at church, "Hi Nathan, do you have a room for a family from Sweden to stay, passing through to Port Elizabeth?"... and so Rebecca and Sam and their 8 yr old son and 6 yr old daughter, spent the night. Joseph really connected with "Uncle Nathan". A beautiful Christian family on holiday. Their stay was less that 15 hours, we are looking forward to their return trip to Cape Town to get to know them a bit! (sorry, no pictures, they weren't here long enough!)
Knysna High CIA (Christians In Action) leadership camp was a success as student leaders met for a retreat to evaluate their relationship with the Lord and how to be used by God this year (Feb 11-12).
Amongst leaders from local churches (Theuns Visser, Richard Meyer, Pastor Cunningham) and YFC leadership (Sheena and Isoleen), Nathan shared the story of Esther and the impact of her action that changed the course of history.
The students spent the morning on the beach in reflection of exactly where they stand with the Lord.
After an awesome breakfast provided by members of The Rock...
Students related what they learned from their time with the Lord on the beach
and Philip Schroder (YFC) shared a teaching on peer evangelism using the "3-Story" method (your story, my story, God's story).
Even Barnabas enjoyed playing on the beach, and sleeping in the Combi with Nathan...
while I was home preparing for the camp below (also on Saturday Feb 12)...
"I want to talk more about personal things with my mother"...
"Bridging The Gap" was the theme of our first 'Mother/Daughter' day camp. 10 daughters age 16-19, mostly from Knysna Sr Sec grade 10 class spent a Saturday drawing closer to their mothers.
With the aim of building better communication and a closer relationship in an effort to strengthen family relationships the female facilitators of Options put together a program that included "Conflict Resolution and Forgiveness", "Coaching your teen girl", "How to talk to your mother".

A time of games and creating a pretty picture frame together provided a safe place to laugh and work together.
The opportunity to listen to each other's heart came from the final project was a letter written to each other and a chance to sit and listen to each other's heart.
Paul and Virginia's final day in Knysna was a busy one as Nathan and I were again in two places...
Thembilitsha Primary prefects (Grade 8 class head students), spent the day in sessions on conflict resolution, leadership principles and development, HIV/AIDS, Drugs & Alcohol and Team Building. As emcee, Nathan led each session with ice breakers. Nathan was sadly impressed that these students were very well informed about drug use, unfortunately because it is a reality of the township, and misinformed about the ability for condoms to protect from HIV/AIDS. Maike overcame the challenge of multiple language usage and rose to the occasion as she assisted with the games.
The day ended for Maike with a trip to Knysna Elephant park as a blessing from the school. She paid more for the elephant food, than the entrance! (picture to come)
Juianna's day started at 7:30am at the office setting up for and HIV/AIDS workshop before heading off to a "Ladies Breakfast Fundraiser".

Leaving the fundraiser before the special guest speaker to arrive back at the office to meet and greet participants of the HIV Workshop. A new branch of our ministry at Options is giving support to people who are HIV positive. This includes workshops and support groups facilitated by people who are HIV positive. We are blessed to have the expertise of Options in George (neighboring city) having some experience with this ministry. A huge THANK YOU to Mawonga who started off the workshop with a session on "Disclosure". Having no idea how many people to expect, the 17 in attendance were 12 more than I knew were coming... I was especially blessed when spontaneous praise erupted after one of the sessions... listen below...
This is the first of 3 workshops before I return to the US at the end of June... please pray for more participation at the next workshops, and that God will be glorified as topics are presented!