Realizing that I haven't seen my sister, Bonnie, yet this trip and my daughter Ciara (& husband Brian) having moved to Vancouver WA 1 week ago, I decided it was time to take a trip to the coast. An unexpected blessing was the decision of my other sister, Debbie, to drive with me!

As Bonnie prepared supper, our conversation resulted in comparing bifocal prescriptions (trying on each other's to determine who's eyes are worse), frequency of hot flashes, and amount of gray hairs! Wow... we are getting old!! Debbie treated us to pedicures as birthday presents.
Driving away, Debbie and I became conscience of the fact that this is the very first time that we have hung out as sisters only... without our kids with us! I have awesome sisters!!

After dropping Debbie off at Sea-Tac (she had to work the next day), I spent the evening at my best friend from Jr High, Linda Marburger (and her HS sweetheart hubby Randy). Randy asked me, "So now that we are the age we are (50), most of us ask the question 'what do I want to do in my retirement?' What are you thinking about?" My answer, "I'm already doing it!" How awesome it is to be doing the thing I always wanted to do... full time ministry overseas! I can't imagine doing anything else (except for spending time with my grandchildren on furlough!)... I am living the adventure!!

Next stop... Brookings Oregon to visit long time supporters Greg and Brenda Sandeno (picture to be posted soon). Our conversation was filled with encouragement and spiritual refreshment!
Never having been along the southern Oregon coast, I decided to be a tourist for a few hours, stopping at a little lighthouse (Coquille River) and walking a beach for seashells... which were non-existent!
Final stop... Vancouver WA to check out Ciara and Brian's new townhouse. They have settled in nicely. Ciara has a tough decision between two job offers at Veterinary clinics, nice to have the luxury of options in this economy, and another confirmation that God has sent them on this adventure!