Friday, June 15, 2012

Anchored to the Rock

In an effort to encourage and strengthen families members of the 14 children from Rheenendal Primary who passed away in the bus accident of August 2011, Youth For Christ conducted a special weekend on the 2nd and 3rd of June.

The sole purpose of the camp; to spiritually enrich and strengthen the families, stimulating them to seek God as the answer (not see Him as the cause or the problem).   

Using Youth Alpha sessions as guidelines, the Saturday curriculum focused on"Who Is Jesus?" and "Why Did Jesus Die?"

 preparing for the Sunday session "How Can I Have Faith?"The following video helps to explain what faith is...

Saturday evening provided opportunity for fellowship and laughter as family groups shared dance or drama.  

Since white American missionaries (me) can't dance... I shared a West African story
Sunday morning following the session on faith the service was an "activation", applying their lives to the biblical account of "The crossing of the Jordan" in Joshua 1-4.  Prior to crossing the river the families were challenged to consider what they want to leave behind (hurt, pain, unbelief, anger, unforgiveness) as they step into the miracle that God has planned for them.  

The youth had previously decorated some 'memorial stones' during their sessions and these were scattered in the 'Jordan River'.  After crossing the river an explanation of "the memorial stones" was given The children led their families to the stones they decorated to remember what God had done for them.  The families stood in the river, filled with emotion, as the YFC staff prayed over them.

Touched and strengthened in their relationship with God, we heard testimonies indicating they could feel our care and love for them, something which they haven’t felt it in a long time. One lady testified, "I have only been serving God 50% this weekend I want to give Him 100%!"

Every cent needed and items used at this camp were provided by generous sponsors... We would like to thank the following donors, who made this weekend possible: Standard bank, South Cape Suppliers, Kwik Spar, Farmer’s Butchery, Julia, Kekkel en Kraai, Saver’s Lane, Kitaan, The Rock Church (use of bus and driver), Tharfield Estate (preparing food at no extra cost). Without your generosity, the weekend would not have been so amazing; we were truly blessed and definitely spiritually enriched.

"Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

YFC-Knsyna Golf Day

Enjoyed by 32 golfers for the YFC-Knsyna Golf day, June 1st, the rolling hills of the Pezula Championship Course offer views of both the Knysna Lagoon and the Indian Ocean.

After pounding the pavement, knocking on countless doors and making a hundred phone calls - the holes were sponsored, golfers rounded up and all the prizes  gathered & displayed! 

As part of the Board of YFC-Knsyna, Nathan put his heart and soul into the success of the event.

Facing economic challenges, the goal of 80 golfers was reaching for the stars.  God was faithful to provide just the right number of golfers for each one to receive a prize!  

A big thumbs up to all the businesses who gave prizes and sponsored holes... "Thank You" to the golfers... YFC-Knysna appreciates your partnership in the Lord's work in Knsyna. May God truly bless your giving hearts!