About me:
"This little light of mine..." At the age of 14, God's light found a home in my heart. During my high school years, the strong biblical principles I learned in youth group molded a deep faith that kept me close to the "Light of the World" as I raised 3 beautiful daughters.
"I'm gonna let it shine..." For 20 years God presented opportunities to shine His light into the lives of children through 5-Day Clubs in my backyard for neighbor children, Bible Study Fellowship, and teaching Jr. High Sunday School.
"Let it shine..." As a Discipleship Group leader and Sr. Staff on two Royal Servants short term missions, God's light transformed the students I worked with in Greece and The Gambia, West Africa, and renewed my vision to serve in full time missions.
"Let it shine, let it shine! " "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers (90% Muslim population in The Gambia) so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God... For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ" (2 Corinthians 4:4,6). After 15 years as Human Resource Coordinator in the retail industry, God has given me the opportunity to shine for Him using my administration skills to assist the YFC ministry in The Gambia.
Hey Cool! My name is Brian and I've been part of some trips from Reno which have worked with YFC-- I assume you'll be working with Syl Jammeh and Yaya Darboe? I also am close friends with a young couple who will be moving there soon-- YFC the Gambia is in a low spot right now i'm thinking... but with your help and the help of others it may be revived! I may even be meeting you in August... Well God Bless(its amazing what google can come up with)-- if you don't mind I may visit your blog from time to time!
ReplyDelete--Brian J.