Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas in Knysna...

Just a few of the highlights of our Christmas Season here in Knysna.  

Mid December included 2 ministry events - Christmas Parties for children from the townships. Sponsored by the Island Church (the church for which Nathan is Associate Pastor) the party for   younger children included games, Christmas presents and lots of food.  The other for a girls Bible Study group was a day at the beach, playing in the water for hours and the enjoying a traditional braai (BBQ) of sausage, steak, chicken and rolls.  All together about 75 children enjoyed some fun and gifts as they were reminded of the "Reason for the Season"!

The week before Christmas I received a phone call (very unusual since Nathan is the only one who calls me and he was sitting right next to me).  Theo Bossom from the SMILE Team 08, whom I met in The Gambia and worked closely with this spring was calling to tell me that he and his family would be driving through Knysna the next day on their winter holiday tour from Cape Town up the coast of South Africa.  Nathan and I were done with all ministry, and excited to take a break from packing.  We spent the day showing them the Knysna Heads, a quick swim at the beach, and then a lovely hike to a beautiful waterfall in the forest.  God is so amazing to bring a Brit, whom an American met in The Gambia, all the way to South Africa to give encouragement... Our world is sooo small and our God so BIG!!

Christmas Eve Nathan and I started our own tradition of listening to Handel's Messiah in a very romantic setting.  With lights, candles, forest and stars, we listened to the story of God's sending comfort to His people through the birth, death and resurrection of His son.  Not only did we listen to it in my American symphonic version, but also Nathan's African symphonic version which included songs using traditional African instruments and style... It was a most glorious way to keep our hearts fixed on Jesus!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

World AID's Day

Collaborating with different NGO's, YFC Knysna participated in an effort to inform a local community about what they can do to prevent HIV and AIDs.  

A march through the Hornlee community streets ending at the Knysna Sr Secondary School kicked off the event.  Personal testimonies were shared by a young lady and man regarding their battle with HIV and how they manage to live a positive life through all the challenges.  

Pledging to get tested, the mayor showed her commitment to fighting the disease, by supporting the main message "Know Your Status... because you can change lives.  Get tested and be safe."

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Prayer at Plettenberg Baai Sr Secondary

After the 5th suicide this year at the Knysna area schools, the team as YFC decided that there needed to be an emphasis on the spiritual battle that students in the area are engaged in.  Mid November we gathered at Plettenberg Baai ('bay') Sr Secondary school and prayed with and for the principle (who had an open Bible on his desk).  After lifting him up in prayer we spent time outside asking the Holy Spirit to reveal what influences are attacking the students at the school.  Then we annointed the gates at the entrances and walked the grounds covering the students and staff in prayer.  God has great plans for these students, and we wish to see His will for these kids!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

"You will teach the nations..."  As Nathan looked around the training room at the Botwana YFC  Youth Center,  he recalled a word of prophecy spoken over his life nearly 10 years ago.  

10 new YFC intern staff spent the month of October in training for their work with youth.  Represented were Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe.  God is good to fulfill His plans for our lives.  

Nathan spent the week training them on "Time Management", "Knowing God's Will for Your Life", "How to start up a youth club", "How to Lead A Small Group", "How To Work In A Team", and "Bible Study Methods".  

In the evenings we chatted with EJ VanAs, the Southern Africa Region Director and Nathan's new boss.  Our conversations were all centered around our upcoming move to Swaziland, and what is/isn't expected of us there.  The most wise advice EJ gave us was the advice given to him before he pioneered a YFC ministry years ago... "Concentrate on your relationship with the Lord, and everything else will follow!"

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Greetings from YFC General World Assembly in Johannesburg South Africa.

After a 16 hour drive our team arrived safely at Cyara 
(YFC Conference Center).   I (Julianna) even drove for 2 hours on the left side of the road and I finally found the Southern Cross (star constellation only found when in the southern hemisphere, equal to finding the Big Dipper in the north)!  

Representing about 100 different countries there are about 800 Young Leaders, National Directors and Board Members attending this GA (held every 3 years).  7 of Julianna's "YFC Family" in the Gambia were able to participate!

Knysna YFC was responsible to set up the "Prayer Zone"; a place where participants could spend time in the presence of the Lord during the conference.  The Prayer Journey mat (also referred to as the Labyrinth), is a journey that allows you to focus on God and release your burdens to the Lord as you focus on Him on the maze to the center, then spend time in the center just listening to His Spirit.  There are many ways to experience prayer in the Zone.  You can choose to put your request on the "Wailing Wall", pin your burden to "Jesus Washing Line" and let Him wash you clean, use your creativity to draw or write a poem, put a pin on the world map for the country you are praying for, or just sit on a pillow and rest in the soft quiet worship music.

The Holy Spirit is moving and the young leaders here are making commitments to lead their generation by living a godly lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, a passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.  

Nathan and I have also been blessed to meet with many of my friends with YFCI/World Outreach from the Denver office.  God has provided many opportunities to link with others who know people who are in Swaziland, or have a heart to help set up the ministry; this has been a huge encouragement that God is working on our behalf even before we arrive.

We will be traveling back to Knysna on Saturday.  Thank you for your prayer support!!

Living the adventure of a servant to the King!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Final Wedding pictures!

Whew!  I think this is the last Wedding Picture blog... I am sorry that it is so backwards... if you start 3 blogs down you can see them in some sort of order!

After the reception our professional photographer (ok, so she is not a professional, but my sister Debbie... THANK YOU Deb!!) drove us to Duncan Gardens for some of my favorite pictures... I think they speak for themselves!  

After the photo shoot, Deb drove us to the airport to rent a car for our honeymoon in Oregon.  We saw God's hand at work because I don't have a 'major' credit card.  So Debbie put the car on her card, and as the clerk was figuring out the price... Nathan prayed... and the price went down... and he prayed, and the price went down again.  All total I think it was reduced more than $100 for the 6 days that we needed it... God is good!  Our first stop on the way to Albany Oregon was Multnomah Falls.  

Wedding... (this should really be part 2, but I goofed... read this second to have it in order!)

The reception was held in the church (Otis Orchard Community Church, Julianna's home church) annex.  A HUUUUUGE "THANK YOU" to the OOCC women who helped set up and decorate the annex and serve the cake and punch, they were a tremendous help and I really take no credit for the reception!!  

One couple that attended the wedding were Ron and Ruth Berger from YFC World Outreach.  They live on the other side of WA state and were able to come and represent the staff at headquarters in Colorado!  

Wedding Picts (2nd blog)

I just realized that I am doing this a bit backwards... oh well!

Our wedding was very simple (and relatively inexpensive!)

We are all wearing outfits made in The Gambia by local tailors.  My mom did all the flowers (in addition to creating her own skirt from the leftover fabrics from the boys outfits)... THANKS Mom!!  And you will see in the next blog the wedding cakes were from Cosco (gotta love Cosco cakes!).  Besides buying candles for the candle-abra's... and punch and napkins that was all the expenses!!  There was left over mints and nuts from Ciara's wedding, so we were covered!

In the wedding were my three daughters with their husband/boyfriends.  Ciara with her new husband (Brian), Kirsten with her boyfriend Clancy, and Tiffany with her boyfriend Johnny.  My former pastor Neil Nedrow officiated.  

The wedding was in a traditional format... since it wasn't video'd I will tell you about the bloopers.  When my father gave me away he forgot his lines... when asked "Who gives this woman to marry this man?" he answered "My mother and I... I mean my mother and I... her mother and I!"!!  The other funny moment (or moment for concern) was when Ciara almost fainted.  I was facing her new husband (Brian) and all I saw was him lunge across the front of the stage to catch her as she collapsed.  Poor thing!!!  She was back on stage for the signing of the Marriage License (very traditional part of the African wedding ceremonies is to sign during the wedding).  

For music...  for those of you who know my (Julianna) love for Christian music.. you will rest assured that I took much joy in choosing the music!  "The Love Of God" by Mercy Me played for the candle lighting.  All the wedding party, including the bride, walked in to "Indescribable" Chris Tomlin.  Then before the vows a love song by Scott Kryppayne, "Here With You", which made Nathan cry like a baby (or love-sick 'husband-to-be").  As we lit the unity candle and signed the marriage certficate the song "Amazed" (by Ross Parsley) was played.  Then the audience joined us in worship by singing "Great Is Thy Faithfulness".  We were presented as Mr & Mrs Overmeyer and walked out  to "For The Sake Of The Call" by Steven Curtis Chapman.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ciara's Wedding (part 2)

Ciara and Brian were married on Sunday July 13th... enjoy the pictures

Ciara's Wedding...

(in two postings)

Nathan took pictures as the photographer was also shooting the professional shots... I think they speak for themselves

Churches visited...

While in Spokane we were warmly welcomed to speak at 4 different churches.  Only being in town for 6 weeks, and attending Ciara's wedding on one Sunday, and having our wedding on the following Sunday means that all our Sundays were very busy.

At St David's Episcopal, we had the blessing of sharing during their coffee hour after the early service before the late service.  Then we rushed off to speak at Otis Orchards Community Church (Julianna's home church).  The next Sunday we spoke at Journey Fellowship, and were invited to join their weekly baseball game after the service.  Our last Sunday in the states we spent the day with St. Marie's First Baptist, enjoying a wonderful BBQ on the river after the service.

We were blessed every week as we met brothers and sisters in the Lord and shared what God has been doing in our lives, and the new direction He is sending us into as the National Director team for YFC - Swaziland.

From the top of Mt. Spokane to Lake Coeur d'Alene I enjoyed showing off my community to Nathan.  The first weekend we watched Tiffany's boyfriend, Johnny, play basketball at "Hoopfest".  Nathan went crazy taking pictures of how all the streets of downtown Spokane are completely closed off for the whole weekend while thousands of teams of all ages compete.  We also saw the Spokane Falls in all their glory due to the large snow melt off this year.  

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

 God blessed us with much time with extended family while in the stateds... beautiful day at the Pend Orielle (pon-der-ay) with Julianna's fathers brothers family (she only has 2 cousins)!  Nathan was the official photographer when it came time to take the family photo. The day ended with a beautiful sunset while the kids still got in a little fishing time.