Christmas in Knysna...
Just a few of the highlights of our Christmas Season here in Knysna.
Mid December included 2 ministry events - Christmas Parties for children from the townships. Sponsored by the Island Church (the church for which Nathan is Associate Pastor) the party for younger children included games, Christmas presents and lots of food. The other for a girls Bible Study group was a day at the beach, playing in the water for hours and the enjoying a traditional braai (BBQ) of sausage, steak, chicken and rolls. All together about 75 children enjoyed some fun and gifts as they were reminded of the "Reason for the Season"!
The week before Christmas I received a phone call (very unusual since Nathan is the only one who calls me and he was sitting right next to me). Theo Bossom from the SMILE Team 08, whom I met in The Gambia and worked closely with this spring was calling to tell me that he and his family would be driving through Knysna the next day on their winter holiday tour from Cape Town up the coast of South Africa. Nathan and I were done with all ministry, and excited to take a break from packing. We spent the day showing them the Knysna Heads, a quick swim at the beach, and then a lovely hike to a beautiful waterfall in the forest. God is so amazing to bring a Brit, whom an American met in The Gambia, all the way to South Africa to give encouragement... Our world is sooo small and our God so BIG!!
Christmas Eve Nathan and I started our own tradition of listening to Handel's Messiah in a very romantic setting. With lights, candles, forest and stars, we listened to the story of God's sending comfort to His people through the birth, death and resurrection of His son. Not only did we listen to it in my American symphonic version, but also Nathan's African symphonic version which included songs using traditional African instruments and style... It was a most glorious way to keep our hearts fixed on Jesus!
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