Funniest thing I have heard in a long time...
Nathan: "Tell me what you know about Jesus."
Boy 1: "He is God's son, and he was Jewish."
Nathan: "Yes, That is true, what else..."
Boy 2: "What is Jewish?"
Boy 1: "That means that he didn't believe in Jesus... wait, that can't be!"
This conversation happened at our new after school ministry. God has opened the door for us to oversee the homework time for about 25 kids at the Knysna Koshuis (hostel), these students attend Knysna Primary and Knysna High School. For varied reasons, they can't live at home, so they stay at the hostel during the school week, then go home for the weekend (and a few just stay for after care until parents or grandparents pick them up). From 2pm-4pm Monday through Thursday, Nathan and I are privileged to eat an afternoon meal with them (free meal four days a week for Nathan and I... God's provision!), and then oversee their homework. If they finish homework early, then we enjoy conversation with them.
After the above interaction with two of the youngest kids, I shared a really cool gospel presentation that you can also download from the internet, it is a simple explanation of the gospel with graphics. (check out this website - http://www.crosscheck.org.uk/). This provided an opportunity to answer their questions and clarify who Jesus is!
On Tuesday's many of these same students attend after school clubs, one of them being "CIA" (Christians In Action) just before coming to the hostel. This has provided us with some cool conversations allowing them to unpack what they learned at club. We are truly enjoying this new opportunity to sow into the lives of youth in Knysna!
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