Last week of Gambia trip...
Since I have struggled to finish all the blogs by day for the trip... here is the wrap-up!
Brikama Fellowship - after 1/2 hr taxi ride, and 45 min walk down a long road we finally arrived at the Brikama Fellowship. This fellowship started by Paul and Andrew last year is thriving. The homeowner has installed an outdoor light and extended covered patio, just for these dedicated hungry followers of Christ. During the 45 minutes of amazing acapella worship Nathan suffered from extreme stomach cramps, just as he was ready to ask me to take over and share, the worship ended and his cramps left. His message of David facing the giant Goliath, inspired those in attendance to face the giants in their life with courage. We prayed for healings and salvations... and walked back to the main road rejoicing all the way as we knew that it was only God who received the glory!
NAPSA Training - Nathan and I prepared 2 full days of topics for the National Patriotic Students Asooc. Again, we plan our days, but our steps are ordered by the Lord. Thursday the U-17 Soccer Team won the Africa Championship... resulting in the President declaring a holiday, and inviting the NAPSA students to his reception party for the team. This cut our Saturday session short. What was scheduled to start at 8 am only started at 10 am, and after the 1/2 hr protocol of dignitary introductions, only 2 topics were presented before the students had to leave for the celebration... Giving them very clear instructions to be on time on Sunday to enable us to complete the planned topics... only one student was there on time... (GMT Gambia Maybe Time)! By now Nathan has the "Be flexible" motto well rehursed!
YWAM Commissioning - Before leaving The Gambia last year, Donald approached me and shared about the impact of my working with his youth group on his own life. Little did I know that after I left The Gambia in June, in a discussion with Sylvester (YFC National Director and Donalds friend) Donald said, "We have been on the receiving end of missionaries coming and giving of themselves to us... it time for us to give to the Lord as well". Donald took a step of faith and enrolled in Discipleship Training with Youth With A Mission. God's perfect timing allowed us to pray for him at the commissioning of his class as they embarked on a two month outreach to Guinea Bissau!! I feel like I have given birth to a missionary, as Donald shared that after the outreach, he plans to go into full time missions reaching out to youth in Casamance (area of Senegal south of The Gambia)!
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