New house... new ministry opportunity
If you read the blog a couple weeks ago, you remember that we moved into a new house. Our first night was fun as we sat in the large living room by the fire... on bean bag chairs, and a heavy bedspread for a carpet... watching a movie on the laptop. During our first week, some items were loaned to assist us as we set up house for a team of 8 from YFC Magalisburg to stay for an outreach event. Our house transformed slowly as we added mattresses for each room, dishes, flatware, a livingroom rug, chairs for the dining room table. God truly provided all that we needed to make the house comfortable for the team. By Thursday we were ready, even had a vase of fresh flowers to welcome them.
Once more we lived the Biblical principle... A man makes his plans, but the Lord directs his steps! The team car broke down on the way! They called, expecting to get in sometime Friday morning. By noon, Knysna YFC was praying that they would make it in time for a rally in Karatara at 2pm. I'm sure you could hear the cheers as they rolled in after 1... exhausted, but ready to serve.
Tired and ready to relax after the outreach, our hospitality was finally put into action, as they chilled in front of the fire place and munched on snacks, catching just enough energy to serve again with us at Crossings, and then they drove on to Hermanus for an outreach the next day!
Our evening ended by driving a Combi full of kids home in Hornlee!
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