"If you suddenly had R500 (SA currency value of $65) and had to spend it in the next 24 hours what would you spend it on?"
Sitting on the top of a little hill of the Concordia informal settlement lies a little Anglican church where the Hospice Support Group meets weekly. This week, it was my turn teach the lesson on "Values". Starting off with the illustration of different denominations of coins and bills, a student was allowed to choose one... he chose the one with the most value. Then in groups they answered questions to help define their values. The answers to the question above was 1st groceries, 2nd clothing, 3rd start a business, 4th toffee apples... showing that most of them value taking care of the needs of their family before their own personal needs.
Wrapping up with Jesus command to "Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you" (Matt 5:33) with the reminder that God wants to supply all our needs, when we value our relationship with Him above all else, the other things we value are provided by Him!
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