"What would you do/think if Tigger had bounced a friend one too many times?"
a) "I don't know - that friend was probably me."
b) "Tigger just doesn't know what he does to others sometimes."
c) "I would ask Tigger if I could bounce next!"
d) I would sit Tigger down and go over all the dangers involved in wild and uncontrolled bouncing.
With the focus on relationships this week at Crossings (inter-denomination youth group), we did a teaching on temperaments and understanding ourselves and how we interact with each other. (You can take the test online at http://winniethepooh.disney.co.uk/funtime/poohsonality_test/game1.swf)
In addition the following clip on Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doLifRJsJs0) shows how our jealousy of the gifts that God has given others steals the joy in knowing that God created us with our own gifts/personality because He knows us best.
We are each fearfully and wonderfully made... created for a purpose!
I am Pooh, through and through... Nathan is Rabbit... who are you?
p.s. Sorry the links don't work, you will have to copy and paste... :(
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