"What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?"
Visiting from Cape Town YFC, the ministry team "Impilo" (meaning life in Zulu) joined Nathan at the prison.
Peaking the interest of the prisoners, an energizing dance brought smiles at the start of the program.
Set to music, a drama "Shout", highlighted the troubles facing todays young people. Showing that God wants to rescue them from peer pressure, drugs, teen pregnancy and suicide.
Unpacking the message for the prisoners, Nathan reminded them that: "You win or lose by the way you choose. We serve a God of second chances." These men find themselves living the consequences of their choices. God wants to be in the midst of their working out the results by giving them peace, hope and a transformed mind for the future.
"We appreciate outside Christian teams visiting as it gives encouragement and a fresh hope for the future!" (from an inmate saved in the prison and serving a 15 year sentence, now leading small group Bible studies in his section)
An opportunity for the prisoners to show off their dancing skills wrapped up the visit!

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