A celebration of Jesus day of birth that these children will not forget!
Wow, we had a tremendous day today.There were 20 kids at the party today. My helpers were so organized. After I opened in prayer we joined in song - "Oh Come Lets us Adore Him". The children sang with such vigor and passion, offering up true praise and adoration.
With much action and animation the nativity story unfoldeded with something that occurs months before the birth of Jesus it was a huge bright star, high in the sky... a sign leading three wisemen to find him. They tirelessly followed that sign (Star). There were also some shepherds in the field that God revealed another amazing wonder, they saw hundreds of choirs of angels in the night sky, like the millions of stars in the sky so was the sky filled with bright and beautiful angels singing about the glory of God and peace on earth. This must have been a sight to behold.
Getting both indidvidual response and group participation at one stage I got them to close their eyes and asked them to tell me what all was in the stable. Wow, they name the animals... they visualised Mary and Joseph... the straw, the shepherds but one little fellow smelt the animal poop and straw because he has a pony and "the straw smells great!" When asked "why are we having a party today?" the sweetest little girl a visitor from Joburg, responded by saying "because Friday is Jesus birthday and I have to go somewhere else that day." Another piped up said "yes, we've got family coming and it better to have cakes today otherwise they'll just eat too much and we will get nothing" Then little Sheldon asked, "so how old is Jesus exactly?"
As we got to the part of the three wise men and the gift they brought I pulled out the "I KNOW" braclets and they almost asked in unison "I KNOW ...WHAT?" And Joshua shout at the top of his voice "JESUS !! stupid, why do you think we here?" We then chanted "I know" and they responded "JESUS" and we were loud!
We then served Juice and a huge plate of cupcakes, popcorn, crunchy and mash mallows. After telling them what the gift were they were each given a balloon. they ate and ate and ate, with popcorn all over, I then told them the story of the wine that ran out at the wedding and Jesus was called to come to the rescue which he did by get them to fill vats with water and by the time it was brought forth for the host to test it was wine , wow that was a miracle.
At this stage I had to leave to take JP to the bus station, by the time I returned they had finished eating and where watching the movie Sunday School Musical. Not all the kids were intersted in the movie so we played a few games and took lots of photos. I had lots of helpers Robert, Strawn, Marilugh, Mercy, Shade, Dylan and Simone. All the cupcakes and cookies muffins and crunchies were abundantly supplied by many of the moms and even from some of single ladies.
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