Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ella McKenzie Saraceno

January 18, 2010
6 pounds 11 ounces
20 inches long

born to Tiffany Stobie and Johnny Saraceno (not pictured)

Proud Grandmother - Julianna Overmeyer
Proud Aunties & Uncle - Kirsten Stobie, Ciara and Brian Stone

Plett Christian School Assembly
(email from Nathan)

It is always a privilege to bring the Word of God to this school. With the challenge of an age range from 5 to 17

(all coming out of Christian homes and even some PK's - Pastors Kids); it is on these days that I need to be very real and humourous. Animated stories really get their attention.

The schools own worship team lead us in some cool praise and worship. My story revolved around the question "So who is my neighbor?" expanding from the Good Samaritan. Using parallel animated video clips, I concluded
with analogies relevent to their context and understanding.

Ending with prayer, I prayed for them as indivduals, as a body of students and for all staff and leadership. Both the teachers and principal conveyed their gratitude.

Probably one of my favourite schools: I think it is so because they are an easy audience even though there is a vast age spectrum.

Love Nathan
p.s. only 6 days left till you are with me in South Africa (Praise be to God!)

Parenting with

(Nathan still busy
while I have 6 days
left in Spokane)

18 parents from Hornlee, Concordia, and Neckies communities (these are generally considered sub economic areas where crime,violence, gangs and substance abuse is surnonomous with these Knysna districts) joined 6 facilitators from YFC Options for "Parenting with ASSURANCE"

Camp was held once again at Ingwe in Plettenberg Bay nestled in some beautiful Forest hills. Only 2 fathers were present, the rest were mothers, so there is definitely a challenge that needs to be addressed (Please pray for wisdom to attract participation from more dads!).

Once again Child welfare Knysna sponsored the entire camp with YFC Options facilitating the process. Nathan was seconded for numerous tasks, from taxi driver to camp facilitator. His sessions were well received; "U" unconditional love and "R" responsibility, in addition to TEAM building activities.

A very interactive weekend including: group discussions, group feed back, interactive ice breakers, letter writing to their children using an array of multi media, music, dvd clips, white board, courses notes where applicable were distributed or made available. The Team building was much fun and ultimately gave the parents some creative ideas to pull the whole family together. And not attempt to tackle tasks on their own.

The camp cook was outstanding and the food was a definate highlight.

2 devotional times catered for spiritual upliftment, not all the parent participant were believers but they all participated! On the Sunday morning Shahieda led and The Holy Spirit moved in our midst as we saw some deep inner healing
happen. To God be the glory!!

The evaluation session at the end was a resounding thumbs up and a call for more similar type camps maybe even to bring kids along and have joint sessions from time to time.

Please pray for our next camp in February!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In the US, I am busy sorting through stuff in my parent's basement. Ciara and Kirsten joined me Sat night, and helped divide up 3 boxes of pictures... below is a note we found that Ciara wrote about age 9. I hope you enjoy it, we laughed till we cried!

I'm running away, but If you

catch find me before I'm gone

I leave, I'll stay only if you

still want me to stay.

(there is more writing on the back)

Dear Mom, dad,

Tiffany and Kirsten

I'm not here

any more I

left to go

somewhere, I don't

know exactly

where (i'm going) but before

I leave I'm going to go

(turn page)

in a couple

places in the house,

the places are the

closet by the front

door next I'll

go in the dirty

cloths closet where

we keep our dirty

cloths then I'll go

to my room and

if my bedroom window

is open I'm not here!

(as you can see Nathan is BUSY without me!)

Dear darling

Our recruitement process for BSSM has yielded 36 1st year students for the School, for 2010. My portfolio is to administer and facilitate the school for the next 2 years. A daunting task but the process has been extremely successful. Representing a cross section of students from the Hornley and Concordia Communities (non white segment of South Africans) as well as cross denominational presence (i.e. Vineyard Church, NG Church-Dutch Reform, Pentecostal Charismatic Apostolic, Presbyterian etc). It was stressful yet exciting to collate all the manuals and Pastor
Brian Long and myself accomplished the task timeously. Colin Rouse also assisted the process by ordering our first reader "When Heaven Invades Earth " by Bill Johnson. A deep hunger and anticipation for the course by the students is the prevailing atmosphere and we are officially out of the starting blocks. In addition the Revival Groups were well attended and very vibrant. Lois Gardner is running a Tuesday Morning sessions from her home at a slightly slower pace but already experiencing an intense ministry time.

God bless Nathan

(an email from Nathan)
Hello Sweetheart,

Attached is my new Children's Church Teen Group for 2010. Wow, a vibrant group of young people. This weekend past Pastor Brian Long called all the young people up from my group to lay hands on and pray for members of our congregation that needed prayer. The Holy Spirit exercised the gifts of the spirit among the congregation and the fruit was phenomenal. There is not a doubt in my mind that God is definitely raising up a generation of history makers and change agents among our youth at The Island Church. Praise God for his Glory and open heaven we are currently experiencing.

Regards Nathan

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


While here in the US, Nathan has been busy with guests in Knysna...

A frantic call from Island Church friends, needed a place for 7 to stay the night traveling through. Meet the "Aiyawoo's" (sounds almost like "I love you"). Clarence & Mandy and thier children Caroline and Cameron... along with their church friends William, Andre and Levelle.

Add those to Nathan's other guests; Steve staying for the whole month of January and Warren for this week... and Nathan was pleased to find there was still hot water for his shower. After the extra guests left Nathan sent the following email

"My heart was so warmed, by seeing friends enjoying our home. Wow God is so good. We prayed together proclaiming ownership of this property for the extention of God's kingdom. Baby we need to pick up the pace for pushing into God for our inheritance in Christ Jesus. He wants to bless us to be a blessing... I believe this will be a place of Shalom!"