Parenting with
(Nathan still busy
while I have 6 days
left in Spokane)
18 parents from Hornlee, Concordia, and Neckies communities (these are generally considered sub economic areas where crime,violence, gangs and substance abuse is surnonomous with these Knysna districts) joined 6 facilitators from YFC Options for "Parenting with ASSURANCE"
Camp was held once again at Ingwe in Plettenberg Bay nestled in some beautiful Forest hills. Only 2 fathers were present, the rest were mothers, so there is definitely a challenge that needs to be addressed (Please pray for wisdom to attract participation from more dads!).
Once again Child welfare Knysna sponsored the entire camp with YFC Options facilitating the process. Nathan was seconded for numerous tasks, from taxi driver to camp facilitator. His sessions were well received; "U" unconditional love and "R" responsibility, in addition to TEAM building activities.
A very interactive weekend including: group discussions, group feed back, interactive ice breakers, letter writing to their children using an array of multi media, music, dvd clips, white board, courses notes where applicable were distributed or made available. The Team building was much fun and ultimately gave the parents some creative ideas to pull the whole family together. And not attempt to tackle tasks on their own.
The camp cook was outstanding and the food was a definate highlight.
2 devotional times catered for spiritual upliftment, not all the parent participant were believers but they all participated! On the Sunday morning Shahieda led and The Holy Spirit moved in our midst as we saw some deep inner healing
happen. To God be the glory!!
The evaluation session at the end was a resounding thumbs up and a call for more similar type camps maybe even to bring kids along and have joint sessions from time to time.
Please pray for our next camp in February!
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