Commissioning Service for BSSM...
Challenging the audience to visualize the room (place of service) God has them in as bigger than it appears... in fact it is only limited to the restriction we put on it; it was in thes context Trevor shared his testimony. (Invited for this special occasion, Trevor & Sharon Baker from Revival Fire Ministries of UK). When Trevor met Christ he had just come from living in a 9 X 9 prison cell, and God asked him "How big is your room?" He moved from that cell of confinement into a mansion of freedom and open heart in which the Holy Spirit's power was only limited to his imagination.
Having completed their 2nd year of study at the Bethel Supernatural School of Ministry, the students were commissioned to activate their effective ministry giftings. Through a spiritual impartation, Trevor prayed for the students in order that signs and wonders would follow to ultimately lead people to salvation in Christ and initiate healing and restoration. Armed with this annointing the students were sent forth to all the nations in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
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