An unexpected phone call came from Nathan's mother's cousin (he has a HUGE extended family), telling us that they were coming to George for a spell, and wanted to catch up with us... what a treat! Norman and his wife went through the list of this cousin and that cousin and who is pastoring what church, and who is leading worship at what church... who is living where... I am still confused as to who is who, but Nathan kept it all straight!

On Jan 4th was a "Special Delivery" all the way from Australia... a Coober Pedy hat (complete with an opal in the hat band)!! Nathan has been praying for God to bless him with this exact hat for longer than I have know him. In October when we heard that his cousin was coming for a visit we asked if she could locate one and we would pay for it. The shop down the street from her had only one hat left by the brand... of all the styles available, the only one in stock was a Coober Pedy in Nathan's exact hat size! As much as Nathan was looking forward to his new hat, he was excited to see his cousin Leslie and her partner (who attended the same school as Nathan years before)... again talk was all about who is doing what... and I am still confused!

It is nice to have such a small family, 2 sisters, 3 nieces, 1 nephew, 2 Uncles, 1 Aunt, 2 cousins, 2 daughters and one grand daughter, but listening to stories of family gatherings from Nathan's side leaves me wondering if I missed something!

Nathan feeding Barnabas ice cream with his new hat on!
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