Located about 1 hour east of Knysna is the Blaukrans River Bridge... famous for the highest commercial bungi jump in the world! The Bloukrans Bungi Jump surpasses the position previously held by the Victoria Falls as the 'highest bungi in the world".
The Bloukrans bridge is 216 m high, the jump is approximately 160 meters. A unique pendulum bungi system ensures the longest and smoothest ride in the world. Access to the jump point on the top of the arch is via a specially designed walkway underneath the road deck. The walkway is also 216 m long made of metal mesh, offering breathtaking views and an inspiring experience in itself. (I would only know if I had my eyes open while I walked it! )
I have visited this bridge at least 5 times as we show it to visitors... when I realized that we would be taking our Dutch volunteers so close to my birthday, I couldn't resist asking for the experience as a birthday present. Nathan paid for the jump and sweet Chris Stein (one of our 'dutchies') purchased the video and pictures for me.

I can not believe that I have been living for 1/2 a century! God has blessed me beyond belief... It seems as if I have live 2 lifetimes. The first included raising 3 awesome daughters, and the second starting only 7 years ago living my dream of full time service as a missionary in Africa!! In Ephesians 3:20 Paul refers to God as "Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think". My life is an adventure exceeding abundantly above all that I could ask or think... and it isn't over yet!
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