Monday, August 29, 2011

YFC-Spokane Middle School Camp

While Nathan and YFC-Knysna were busy with all of the above, Julianna was hanging out... no let's re-word that... she was working very hard as "Work Crew Boss" at YFC-Spokane Middle School Camp.

The setting - Camp Tshimakain (Union Gospel Mission Camp on the Spokane River just past the Long Lake Dam)

My awesome crew of high schoolers... first night ready to offer their bodies as a living sacrifice.  Little did they know that the coming week was going to feel like they were being burned/used up on the altar till there was nothing left to give!

 Praying for their (the middle schooler's) ears to be sensitive to what God wants to tell them we were able to attend chapel every night with the middle high students. 

Tables set the last night for a lovely dinner to be served (rather than cafeteria style) at each table by the crew.  Entertainment was provided, followed by an emotion filled drama that the crew performed at Chapel... (the youtube link will be provided as soon as it is uploaded.)

A presentation of a certificate to the camper with the most pleasant manners... 

I can only give God the praise for the work He did in and through these beautiful High School students... they gave fully of themselves, and allowed Him to do a work in them.  He will be faithful to complete what He started this summer!!  Words cannot express my gratitude for the opportunity to speak His words of truth and love as I served with them!  

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