"Julianna, it is very good to have you back! I have a request of you. Are you able to facilitate a Mother/Daughter camp for teen mom's and their mothers..." "It is next weekend!" My first week back at YFC-Knysna... and the work begins.
Working with this group for the past few months after school, through an after school support group and using home visits to build relationships with the whole families.
The goal of this camp was to improve communication between these high school teen moms and their mothers. God prompted me to improve a talk I had previously given on "conflict resolution".
One of the challenges of putting on a camp of this nature is that the teen moms have children... perfect opportunity for our int'l volunteers!! Even Nathan and Barnabas found fun in playing with the little ones (age 1-3).
While some were playing, the others needed a soft lap to take a nap.
Sessions included a separate experience for the mothers, as Mrs Bowers (Plett Sr Sec teacher with a passion to support these teen moms) spoke to the mothers about setting boundaries.
While a psychologist encouraged the teens to embrace the responsibilities of motherhood while at the same time completing school and further education.

Enabling them to tell their own children about the God of love
who sent His son to pay our sin debt and clothe us with his
righteousness... allowing us to live forever in heaven.
A time of games provided for laughter... something not experienced often together!

We look forward to continued invitations to work with these teen moms and their families. The girls expressed their appreciation the following week at their support group. Transformation has started in their homes, and God is at work in their hearts!
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