It doesn't feel like Christmas...
For the Int'l Volunteers (& Julianna), it just doesn't feel like Christmas because it is not winter... it is summer. Therefore when Nathan told them what our Christmas tradition is they were excited to help and even finance the project!
While the homeless gathered we set up the food (roasted chicken, rolls, apples, juice). the table was very full, so Barnabas guarded a few plates in the back of the Combi!
"Which type of person are you...?" In the story of the wise men bringing gifts to the baby Jesus, Nathan explained the 3 responses to Jesus birth. The religious leaders (knew the scriptures predicting Jesus coming, but chose not to believe), King Herod (hated Jesus because He was a threat to his way of life) and the wise men who wanted to worship Him. Christmas is not about having money to buy and give gifts... it is about receiving the greatest gift - Jesus himself and worshiping Him!!
The volunteers prayed for several with various needs
then food was served and enjoyed...
and big hugs given in thanks for prayer and food!
While serving, friends from BSSM group dropped off even more food, so the volunteers drove to the homeless hang-outs and fed 40 more people! We are very proud of them!!
After a relaxing afternoon at home (the volunteers went out to eat), we opened gifts with the lights shining bright on the tree... the girls said it did feel a little more like Christmas with the lights!!

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