Monday, April 23, 2012


What does stress look like?

As you can see, I mistakenly chose to upgrade my blog and in doing so I lost my YFC World Outreach banner across the top of my blog...

This is what stress looks like!

I am learning that disappointment is an opportunity for Jesus to be glorified, either by helping find a solution or do a miracle and re-create it!  Already God has given me a couple of solutions (I would rather just have the miracle and when I open my blog next time it just re-appears... but somehow I think He wants to grow my character instead), so my loving husband will contact someone at our church with web creating skills, or I will ask Carolin (German volunteer) to create a new banner with her graphic art skills.

I also lost the links on the right side bar...

In the meantime, I will be still and know that God is God!!

Living the adventure of a servant of the King - who is the solution to our stress!

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