(June 22 Facebook post)
"You know you live in Africa when your house is raided by 15 baboons. The fridge has been emptied, every item in the pantry sampled, and poop in every room. Nathan came home and thought he saw a ghost... it was a baboon covered in flour exiting the house."
Nathan and Barnabas had been on a walk... the patio door in the back was open.

Notice the poop on top of the pantry wall. They sat at the top and ate the food... oranges, carrots, rice, flour, noodles, couscous... sago (tapioca), even gold glitter... covering every surface.
7 kg potatoes, and 5 kg onions... took a bite out of every potato, and all but 4 onions.

The unexpected blessing of it all... I was training new volunteers at YFC the day it happened, so the man of my dreams and most excellent husband cleaned up most all the mess except for the pantry. (Figured I should have the privilege of participating in some of the fun!)
Final inventory left... the freezer was untouched (didn't have time to defrost the meat!) so we were able to eat something for supper, the bottle condiments in the fridge, the long life milk (still in the case), the spices, 5 tins of tomato sauce and kidney beans 4 onions, a head of garlic. And one small brick of cheese which had a spot of mold on the side.
All told about R3,000 ($400) groceries eaten or destroyed.
Just enough to make Chili the next day (mince/hamburger still in freezer)!

And just after we drove up, the "Baboon Patrol" arrived. We were not the only house ransacked, so now the municipality has employed 5 men to drive around and "keep the baboons from doing more damage" (scare them off)
This is job creation in South Africa ;-)
(no baboons were harmed in the making of this blog!)
Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving;
Sing praises to our God on the lyre,
Who covers the heavens with clouds,
Who provides rain for the earth,
Who makes grass to grow on the mountains.
He gives to the beast its food,
and to the young ravens which cry,
He does not delight in the strength of the horse;
He does not take pleasure in the legs of a man.
Sing praises to our God on the lyre,
Who covers the heavens with clouds,
Who provides rain for the earth,
Who makes grass to grow on the mountains.
He gives to the beast its food,
and to the young ravens which cry,
He does not delight in the strength of the horse;
He does not take pleasure in the legs of a man.
Those who wait for His lovingkindness.
(Psalm 147:7-12 NASB)
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