By answering an appeal to assist with the leadership training of the prefects (senior students) of Thembelitsha Primary, ministry included playing with the elephants. Given the task of teaching leadership skills, Nathan provided opportunities for learning through ice-breakers and games in between sessions on Conflict Resolution, Drug & Alcohol Awareness and Leadership Responsibilities. Students learned how to work together to get out of a knot, to work as a team by putting a puzzle together upside down, to listen and give good directions as they guided a blinfolded team member through a maze, and to trust each other as they sat in unison. These student were challenged to take on the privilege of leadership as a responsibility and not as an opportunity to have advantages over their peers.

After leadership learning finished, elephant learning started. With instructions to ask questions, the team was driven to the feeding grounds and interaction with the elephants allowed. Once over 400 elephants roamed the forests in our area, and now only 3 remain, not only the smallest in size but the smallest in population. Even though these elephants are in a controlled environment and trained to interact with humans, there was still much respect for their size and intelligence.
For the occasion of this blog, I looked up proverbs & sayings about elephants... enjoy!

"It is the little things that fret and worry us; you can dodge an elephant but not a fly." (Josh Billings)

"The hunter who is tracking an elephant does not stop to throw stones at birds" (African Proverb)

"There is not enough room for two elephants to sit in the same shade." (African Proverb)

"With a sweet tongue and kindness you can drag an elephant by a hair." (Persian Proverb)

"To take revenge on an enemy give him an elephant - first he must thank you for the gift, and then the elephant's appetite will deplete your enemy's resources." (Nepalese Proverb)
"Although he who walks behind and elephant may feel very secure, he is likely to get splattered with elephant dung" (Lao Proverb)
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