"Thank you... This camp showed me that I am not alone in my challenges as a parent!
Partnering with Child Welfare, YFC-Options held a 3rd Parenting Camp for 18 parents last weekend. It was a time for these parents to enjoy a serene quiet get-a-way from their kids, and learn how to be better parents. Comments were made that the activities presented along with each workshop helped for deeper understanding; wearing another's shoe, handing an egg to another as the gap grew, tearing your self esteem, etc. 

In addition to the practical teaching, the Holy Spirit softened hearts to bring emotional healing to long hidden areas. Freedom from the bondage of bitterness... and for some it was admitting their own sin that caused the challenging current circumstances. During devotions, God revealed the broken places in their heart (crackes in jars of clay), and filled them with His Spirit and love... many tears revealed the work He was doing... giving comfort so that they in turn could give comfort to others.
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