Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Philippians 3:14 "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

In the same manner that Knysna prepared to host the French and Danish 2010 World Cup Soccer teams,

Nathan prepared for The Ultimate Goal!

A collaborative effort of Knysna Churches sponsored the week long Holiday Club.

Given the charge of logistics and registration. Nathan, Barnanbas, and a team of helpers arranged for the venue, stage, soccer equipment, and all the paperwork for registration, youth worker manuals, and participant activity books for up to 200 children each day.

Youth For Christ staff each took on the task of training High School Christian leaders to facilitate the small groups. After a time of worship, these leaders used activity books to share the gospel with about 10 students each. Over the course of the week the cumulative # of children attended was 450.

The last hour of TUG each day was a time of learning soccer techniques, and just having fun on the soccer fields.

Wrapping up the final night with an evangelistic program for the parents...

and we do it all again next week!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Warm for the winter...
The students of Knysna Primary exhibit their compassion and God's love for the less fortunate by collecting blankets last month. Student leaders presented the YFC staff with 84 blankets in an effort to help others be warm for the winter... and just in time.

As temperatures dropped this week, the ministry team from Father's House in Cape Town brought songs, games and a teaching on listening to Jesus as they distributed the blankets to every single child at the Hlalane soup kitchen Wednesday. Left over blankets were given to a local leader to identify those adults in greatest need.

Other Knysna schools are also collecting blankets to be given out after their return from the winter holiday.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

God provided nice sunshine, no wind, a heated pool... (and He kept the baboons on the other side of the golf course!)

for the baptism of 4 youth and 3 adults from the Island Church this past Sunday.

After a police escort to the home (due to the French Soccer team staying at the resort up the road), the candidates prepared for the plunge.

I read from Acts of Philip's baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch, and Nathan confirmed the committment of each.

Emotions ran high as friends and family gave hugs of support.
A special 'thank you' to Steve and Lynn Douglas for their generous hospitality (and effort to arrange police clearance)!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's a boy!!

A few months ago, God allowed Nathan and I the privilege to house a young lady in training at a local hotel. Just after her training started, she found out she was pregnant. Since she is single, the social worker requested that we follow up on her pregnancy through Options, and due to the relationship already established with us, I became her "birthing partner".

Last month she moved back to live with her boyfriend about 1/2 hr drive from town. She called early Monday morning to say that she was going to the hospital via ambulance (no car, or funds for taxi). Only dilated to 1cm when I visited her, I continued to check up on her over the next 2 days. Only on Wednesday did her labor intensify. God's perfect timing provided for my schedule to already be free on an afternoon when I regularly teach the children at Hlalane, I left Nathan (and Barnabas) at the hostel with the high school students to arrive at the hospital at 2pm.

Sharing a room with 5 other women, all in various stages of labor, I was the only one helping Yandiswe... the others had no support! For the next 90 minutes I rubbed her back as the contractions strengthened, and when her water finally broke we were taken down to the delivery room. Having given birth to 3 children (all natural deliveries) I can not imagine going through any labor without someone to talk me through and comfort me... at 3:40 I assisted the sister (nurse) as Lelamiphongo entered his head into the world. His name means "my proud" in Xhosa!


On Thursday May 27th we welcomed a little boy into our family... Barnabas, Nathan's therapy dog. Not sure whether he is more for therapy for Nathan, or for Nathan to use in therapy with clients! Barnabas is a Golden Retreiver, and arrived via an airplane trip from Johannesburg.

Since picking him up at the airport,he has attended all our ministry appoint- ments. counseling at the church with Nathan, learning the 2010 World Cup Soccer "Diski Dance" at Holiday Club Training,

homework supervision at the hostel, even the baptism of Nathan's Children's Church students.
He loves all the attention everywhere we go, and we look forward for God being glorified through his comforting presense!

Shavout (Pentecost) Celebration...

In Jewish practice, the 50 days leading up to Shavuot are ‘counted.’ This is known as ‘The counting of the Omer.’ ‘Omer’ refers to a cultic offering of barley. Although this died out with the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE, the practice of counting the days continued, the focus now being to anticipate the Giving of the Law. This ‘counting’ of days between Passover and Shavuot highlights the fact that Shavuot is the extension and conclusion of Passover.

Similarly in the Christian Church, Pentecost marks the conclusion of the Easter season.The ‘counting’ of 50 days in Jewish custom enhances the sense of excited anticipation. Like a bride and groom looking forward to their special day, Jews look forward to Shavuot. Even after having celebrated the events of the exodus, there is a longing for the ‘something more to come.’ Similarly, even after reveling in the wonder of the Resurrection at Easter, Christians look forward to the gift of the Spirit at Pentecost.

In Knysna The Island Church observed Pentecost with a worship service full of Jewish symbolism. Decor of colorful flags and stars, symbolical blowing of the shofar, waving flags, and worship as we celebrated the sending of the Holy Spirit to empower believers to share the good news of salvation through Jesus!

The word shofar means hollow, from the Hebrew root word shpr (‘hollowness’). This infers that it is an empty vessel, and that it is only important and useful when the breath of man is blown into it. The shofar thus symbolizes the human being on Rosh Hashanah, who is likened to a hollow instrument that is capable of divinity once appropriately filled.

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to fill His believers (empty vessels) at Pentecost to complete His work here on earth before His return!! Hallelujah!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Open Day" at the Prison...

A smile came to my face as I was hanging out my wash on the line to dry, I could hear the singing 1 mile away and knew that Nathan was in his element of ministry!

Once a quarter, the Spiritual Workers of the Knysna Correctional Facility organize a morning of ministry to the inmates. This day is also open to their families (thus the name "Open Day"). As part of our vision to encourage youth to use the talents and gifts God has given them for His glory, Nathan invited a youth choir to share in song.

Nine young ladies from the Apostolic Faith Mission Church in Concordia, brought encouragement to all in attendance. Not only through the use of their voices, but the fact that they woke up early on a Saturday and then spent 4 hours of their 'day off' to give to the Lord... that is sacrificial for a teenager!!

A powerful testimony given by a former inmate touched the men's hearts. Having spent 2 years in this facility, upon release he was soon arrested and charged for a more serious crime... serving an additional 13 year sentence. The audience was in tears as he pled with the men... "Crime does not pay! The only way out of the prison you are in is through Jesus Christ. You cannot do it on your own! Take it from me!!"

Only God can set the captives free!