A smile came to my face as I was hanging out my wash on the line to dry, I could hear the singing 1 mile away and knew that Nathan was in his element of ministry!

Once a quarter, the Spiritual Workers of the Knysna Correctional Facility organize a morning of ministry to the inmates. This day is also open to their families (thus the name "Open Day"). As part of our vision to encourage youth to use the talents and gifts God has given them for His glory, Nathan invited a youth choir to share in song.
Nine young ladies from the Apostolic Faith Mission Church in Concordia, brought encouragement to all in attendance. Not only through the use of their voices, but the fact that they woke up early on a Saturday and then spent 4 hours of their 'day off' to give to the Lord... that is sacrificial for a teenager!!

A powerful testimony given by a former inmate touched the men's hearts. Having spent 2 years in this facility, upon release he was soon arrested and charged for a more serious crime... serving an additional 13 year sentence. The audience was in tears as he pled with the men... "Crime does not pay! The only way out of the prison you are in is through Jesus Christ. You cannot do it on your own! Take it from me!!"
Only God can set the captives free!
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