Shavout (Pentecost) Celebration...
In Jewish practice, the 50 days leading up to Shavuot are ‘counted.’ This is known as ‘The counting of the Omer.’ ‘Omer’ refers to a cultic offering of barley. Although this died out with the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE, the practice of counting the days continued, the focus now being to anticipate the Giving of the Law. This ‘counting’ of days between Passover and Shavuot highlights the fact that Shavuot is the extension and conclusion of Passover.

Similarly in the Christian Church, Pentecost marks the conclusion of the Easter season.The ‘counting’ of 50 days in Jewish custom enhances the sense of excited anticipation. Like a bride and groom looking forward to their special day, Jews look forward to Shavuot. Even after having celebrated the events of the exodus, there is a longing for the ‘something more to come.’ Similarly, even after reveling in the wonder of the Resurrection at Easter, Christians look forward to the gift of the Spirit at Pentecost.
In Knysna The Island Church observed Pentecost with a worship service full of Jewish symbolism. Decor of colorful flags and stars, symbolical blowing of the shofar, waving flags, and worship as we celebrated the sending of the Holy Spirit to empower believers to share the good news of salvation through Jesus!

The word shofar means hollow, from the Hebrew root word shpr (‘hollowness’). This infers that it is an empty vessel, and that it is only important and useful when the breath of man is blown into it. The shofar thus symbolizes the human being on Rosh Hashanah, who is likened to a hollow instrument that is capable of divinity once appropriately filled.
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to fill His believers (empty vessels) at Pentecost to complete His work here on earth before His return!! Hallelujah!!!
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