An annual tradition for Nathan... securing donations of chickens (thanks SPAR and a few sponsors!), rolls, apples, juice and home made biscuits to feed the homeless on Christmas. Thank you to the Douglas's and Renee and her son for joining us!

Relating to their situation, Nathan shared the message of God sending Jesus for everyone... because He does not judge us by our home or circumstances (Nathan was also homeless in Cape Town for a period of time after he became a Christian), but loves us all the same!

The feast was spread...
Food served...
Drink poured...
Conversation enjoyed...

Leftovers prepared for delivery to another site...
by Renee and her son.

Additional thanks to the helpers and photographer!
28 people in all enjoyed a gift of love, given because we have received the greatest gift... salvation through the reason for the season... JESUS!!
He truly is the "good news" the angels proclaimed to the shepherds watching their flocks by night!
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