Most of the Options staff and volunteers have lived in Knysna for many years and know of the needs in the township. We were blessed to visit some of the many NGO's (non-gov't organizations) working to improve the quality of life in the township including Masizami Women of Vision (empowering women by teaching sewing skills), Paula Whitney Pre-School, and MAD About Art (innovative, interactive educational programmes that equip children with practical skills and knowledge about HIV and AIDS by using art)

The cow, the horse, the pig, the donkey and the goat... we saw all but the horse!

With Ella's passion for providing for the needs of her community, the hearts of visitors from all over the world have been touched to see her dreams come true. This container was provided by two such guests from England for a soup kitchen after seeing children sitting on the grass in Ella's front yard waiting for their afternoon meal. Coming from an abusive background, another project started by Ella is the Lukhanyiso Safe House a refuge for women and children in danger (no picture available at this time). The building is now completed, and now furnishing are starting to come in.

The tour ended at Ella's home for coffee, tea and a quick Xhosa pronunciation lesson followed with drumming and Xhosa worship.
THANK YOU Ella for the "home" experience and thank you Options for arranging it. Our lives are enriched as we see the township with new eyes! May the Lord continue to provide through your guests as they give to the needs of your community!
p.s. We are excited to work with you at Options!!
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