"I would love to live in that house"
Even before we found this flat to live in, Nathan would drive past a house on the top of Knysna Heights and comment, "I would love to have that house!" It was new construction, at least 1 yr old, never been occupied. I would always say , "Yea, right!" Disbelieving that God would provide finances for a 4 bedroom 3 1/2 bath house (with a fireplace and view of the Knysna Lagoon in front and valley in the back). Then we came back to Knysna from our Cape Town dental trip, and needed to vacate our other flat, we searched the newspapers, called all the ads and couldn't find something in our price range in s 'safer' neighborhood (really no such thing as a safe neighborhood due to prevalant violent crime). Nathan took a drive around Knysna Heights one afternoon, and there was a "room for rent" sign on the window of his favorite house! Wasting no time, we called the phone #, met the Ferreira's (couple leasing the house) 1/2 hour later. They wanted to sublease part of the 2nd floor over the garage... one bedroom/bath and open livingroom/kitchen... plus 1/2 of the garage. It didn't take a theologian to see that God had provided the perfect place for us to live (especially because the inside is painted blue... Nathan's only color of choice). We have been enjoying the beautiful view, 4 channels of reception on the TV (didn't have any reception at last flat), wireless internet for pay in the front room and 35mb free wireless/week from the bedroom (which is also another story of God's provision, since the for pay wireless is a fluke... or God's favor because there is no reception from the 1st floor or street for either of these wireless options, but due to the side of the house we are on, and the height we 'accidentally' are in line with the tower next door that sends the signal)
But... all of that is old news! 2 months old anyway...
Last week as we pulled out of the garage, Nathan said "God is going to give us this house!" Again I said, "Yea, right!!..."(you would think I would have learned by now)"The rent for the whole house is $700/month!" He said, "You just watch and see!" The same afternoon when the Ferriera's arrived home from work they came to tell us, "We have accepted a job up north, and last weekend bought a house... no worries for you though, as my wife will stay on here for about 3 months, and the owner (who lives in the UK) has said that you can still rent out your flat, but if you want the whole house you can have first rights. When they left Nathan looked at me, without even needing to say "I told you so". Now Nathan has a vision for using the rest of the house to board short term missionaries and international volunteers (a program that YFC Cape Town utilizes with about 10-15 international volunteers at any one time). We will still have our little corner, but manage the project... and have access to the awesome living room downstairs with a cool fireplace. This fits into a bit of my passion, ever since my time in The Gambia, I have had a heart to come along side short term missionaries and sew into their spiritual development. Please pray with us for provision of bedroom furniture and living room furniture for all the extra rooms (we are using folding camp chairs ourselves in our living room with a folding table to eat from), as well as the extra finances of $400/month to pay the rent until we have volunteers coming on a regular basis.
"God will give us this house!"
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