Schools Ministry...
Our 3rd day in The Gambia was a visit to Presentation Girls Vocational School. Run by the Catholic Church, this school offers basic education for girls who have missed out on formal education due to various factors (financial, family attitudes, health) and also gives additional training in a vocation (Basic Computer, Office skills, Home Economics).
Joining Mariama (YFC Volunteer, who visits this class once a week teaching Religious Education), we arrived about 1 hour early. Recognizing that the girls playing volleyball lacked basic volleyball skills, Nathan stopped the game for a lesson on how to hit the ball. Noticing one young girls sitting on the sideline, then Nathan and I engaged her in conversation. Jabu missed out on going to school in her younger years due to lack of finances for school fees, we prayed that God would provide the necessary funds to complete school at Presentation as she focuses on the area of Home Economics. As PE class time was ending a deaf man approached Nathan wanting financial assistance. Trusting for God to restore his hearing Nathan prayed for him as well. In the classroom, Nathan did a teaching on "Attitude", and the best attitude is one of "Love" using 1 Corinthians 13. With about 15 minutes left, and the opportunity for questions was presented, one girl asked for advice on relationships. Nathan felt that God wanted me to answer the question. I encouraged them regarding setting boundaries in their relationships with boys... if boys truly love them, they will respect the boundaries set by them. The class then presented us a gift of appreciation, and we walked away thankful for the opportunity to play, pray and present God's principles regarding relationships.
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