With training finished for "Options" Crisis Pregnancy Center, Eunice the director asked what I felt called to do... I have a heart for the schools training side. She asked me to pray regarding opportunities to speak in two high schools right in town (predominately white/english speaking). Ever since Nathan and I moved in we look down the hill and pray over the town and especially for this one school (in the foreground of picture) because it has a reputation for being "closed" to Christian speakers (it is an affluent private school).
About a week ago God directed Eunice to a conversation that led to contact with the Life Orientation teacher in that school. She was wanting outside help teaching her class about STI's and Abortion (this teacher is a Christian). The kids in her class were asking very in-depth questions, and the teacher wanted us to come ASAP... which meant last week! Eunice spoke to the class on Wednesday (while I was already previously engaged at another high school with Nathan), expecting to cover 'abortion', then Thursday I would come speak to the class about STI's.
A man plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps... the class still had more questions after Wednesday, so Thursday we showed a DVD called "Crossroads" with interviews of young women who chosen abortion and suffered the physical, mental, and emotional consequences (the DVD also had interviews from those women who chose adoption and parenting). Even after watching an actual abortion of video, and then the interviews of women who regretted the decision even 30 years later... these 10th graders reaction was "Yea, but those are the extreme cases! It isn't like that for everyone, and the mother takes a pill that kills the baby before it is aborted, so it doesn't feel any pain!"
Our hearts were broken for their hard heartedness towards the sanctity of life... It really didn't bother some of them to 'kill a baby' (their words). We praise God for allowing us to tell the truth, and ask that you pray that the enemy will not steal the truth from their hearts (as a teacher from the class after related that some girls reported in his class that they would now "NEVER consider abortion!") Pray that the seed of truth will be planted and grow. I have been assigned to continue to present teachings to that school next term (starting April 15) and will give the same presentations to grades 11 and 12. I also will be presenting to grades 8 and 9, but not showing the abortion video.
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