Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Funniest thing I have heard in a long time...

Nathan: "Tell me what you know about Jesus."
Boy 1: "He is God's son, and he was Jewish."
Nathan: "Yes, That is true, what else..."
Boy 2: "What is Jewish?"
Boy 1: "That means that he didn't believe in Jesus... wait, that can't be!"

This conversation happened at our new after school ministry. God has opened the door for us to oversee the homework time for about 25 kids at the Knysna Koshuis (hostel), these students attend Knysna Primary and Knysna High School. For varied reasons, they can't live at home, so they stay at the hostel during the school week, then go home for the weekend (and a few just stay for after care until parents or grandparents pick them up). From 2pm-4pm Monday through Thursday, Nathan and I are privileged to eat an afternoon meal with them (free meal four days a week for Nathan and I... God's provision!), and then oversee their homework. If they finish homework early, then we enjoy conversation with them.

After the above interaction with two of the youngest kids, I shared a really cool gospel presentation that you can also download from the internet, it is a simple explanation of the gospel with graphics. (check out this website - http://www.crosscheck.org.uk/). This provided an opportunity to answer their questions and clarify who Jesus is!

On Tuesday's many of these same students attend after school clubs, one of them being "CIA" (Christians In Action) just before coming to the hostel. This has provided us with some cool conversations allowing them to unpack what they learned at club. We are truly enjoying this new opportunity to sow into the lives of youth in Knysna!

If you are reading our blog posts, please just leave a quick reply... we are desiring to evaluate how many of our prayer supporters are receiving information about what we are doing. please... THANK YOU!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Soaking In His Presence Weekend

Recently Nathan attended a 4 day train the trainer for weekend 'soaking' seminars (Picture is of trainees and Connie & Jeremy Sinnott from The Toronto Airport Church). The concept behind soaking is that we spend lots of time in prayer talking to God, but are not trained to listen to Him talk back to us. After Nathan trained for 4 days I drove to Mossel Bay for the "Soaking In His Presence" weekend.

Interspersed between 15-30 minute sessions of 'listening' to the Lord', were teachings on "Intimacy With God" (seeking His face), "Forgiveness" (Forgive those who have hurt us, repent of ungodly responses to those who have hurt us - our responsibility... including forgiving ourselves), "The Father Heart of God" (God is the perfect 'Father', unlike our earthly father) "Performance Orientation" (resting in His presence rather than performing for approval), "The Power Of The Cross" (focusing on what Jesus did to reconcile us back to God).

Each teaching had a personal testimony from the "trainee's". Nathan shared a testimony of the impact of his release from bitterness when he forgave his father early in his walk as a new believer in Christ.

God provided a beautiful holiday house for us to stay in for the training and weekend near the beach in Hartenbos. Close to the beach, it was like a little vacation that was truly "time out" with God!

Friday, May 15, 2009

On March 16, I posted pictures and the story of how God seemed to be answering our prayer for a larger house with the potential to house visitors and short term missionaries. Just before we left for The Gambia, our hearts were stirred towards this potential. After returning from The Gambia we had a clearer understanding of our own mission/vision for us as a couple in ministry. The day we arrived home from The Gambia Nathan commented that our neighbors in the house next to us appear to have vacated the house, and later that day we saw that neighbor out hanging laundry. She told Nathan that they have moved out to their farm, and that their house having not sold, due to the poor market, was now up for rent. When we found out that the rental price was EVEN LOWER than the price for the whole house we are in now, we jumped at the opportunity to have a 'look see'.

Built by the owner, this house has a HUGE living/dining/kitchen open floor plan on the top floor and an even nicer view of the lagoon... also a fire place!! With 4 bedrooms and 2 1/4 baths and 1/2 of a garage, it is ideal for housing guests and short term missionaries. As we shared our vision with the owners, not knowing their relationship with the Lord, we felt that if God planned for us to use this house instead of the one we are in, then they would accept an even lower amount for monthly rent as they would be sowing into the Lord's work. They accepted our offer, and we move in 2 weeks.

This week we have been praying for the Lord to give us furniture and guests for the new house. We literally only own a bed, dresser and bookshelves and a TV, which takes care of our bedroom, but the rest of the house will be empty... God is already moving to bring us guests (but where will be furniture come from?)! Tuesday we received a request to house 9 young people from Youth For Christ in Magalisburg (Johannesburg area) for 3 days as they do an outreach in the Knysna area. They will be with us our first weekend in the house!!

Check back, I am sure that the story of how the house is furnished will be a testimony to the faithfulness of God, as he calls us to ministry, he also supplies all that is needed to do His work!! I can't wait to share it with you...

... living the adventure of a servant to the King!!

No Apologies, the truth about life, love & sex...

Last week we met with the grade 6's and 7's at Smutsville Primary in Sedgefield to encourage them to make choices that would allow them the freedom from having to make apologies to their future husband or wife regarding their sexual purity. 5 sessions were conducted by a team from YFC after Nathan spoke to the whole school at morning assembly.

Sharing the topics of; "No Apologies", "HIV/AIDS: a Generation At Risk", "Premarital Sex Has Consequences","Abstinence: It Works Every Time" and "Marriage Does Matter". The students took up the challenge to pledge a lifesyle of abstinence until marriage. They know that God's perfect plan for sex is in the context of marriage, and we pray for their courage and conviction to keep this pledge!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Where the 'bleep-bleep' am I?!!"

Jerry (real name with held) spoke these words through inebriated breath as he woke up in the back of a bakkie (pickup truck) parked next to the Knysna contingent the day before the "Mighty Men" conference started (April 24-26). Jerry's friend had collected him drunk and blacked out, placed him in the back of the bakkie and drove 6 hours to a farm in Greytown South Africa. Jerry's friend replied, "I'll take you home after one session if you don't want to stay."

Angus Buchan (featured in the biography/movie 'Faith Like Potatoes'), the owner of the farm felt the Lord call him to encourage men to take up their rightful role as husbands and fathers more than 5 years ago. About 600 men attended the first conference. Just 5 years later, more than 200,000 men converged on his property, with a fee charged to pay adjoining farmers to forgo planting a crop this season and provide a place for the men to camp. 5 men (youth and elder) from YFC joined Nathan for the 22 hour drive from Knysna, with 70 others from our area meeting up with them then next day.

During the first session, the Holy Spirit moved in Jerry's heart, along with hundreds of other men, he decided to allow God to rule in his life. Using his friend's phone, Jerry made an emotional phone call to his wife asking for forgiveness for the way he had been treating her, and giving her a message or hope for their future.

On the second day of the conference Angus collapsed on stage, bringing the men to realize God's sovereign rule over life. Breaking into small groups men prayed for Angus and each other and continued to fellowship and minister to each other.

Nathan returned from the conference with a new fire in his belly for strengthening his relationship with the Lord and commitment to knowing God's Word more intimately.

Praise be to God who continues to work in our hearts!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Last week of Gambia trip...

Since I have struggled to finish all the blogs by day for the trip... here is the wrap-up!

Brikama Fellowship - after 1/2 hr taxi ride, and 45 min walk down a long road we finally arrived at the Brikama Fellowship. This fellowship started by Paul and Andrew last year is thriving. The homeowner has installed an outdoor light and extended covered patio, just for these dedicated hungry followers of Christ. During the 45 minutes of amazing acapella worship Nathan suffered from extreme stomach cramps, just as he was ready to ask me to take over and share, the worship ended and his cramps left. His message of David facing the giant Goliath, inspired those in attendance to face the giants in their life with courage. We prayed for healings and salvations... and walked back to the main road rejoicing all the way as we knew that it was only God who received the glory!

NAPSA Training - Nathan and I prepared 2 full days of topics for the National Patriotic Students Asooc. Again, we plan our days, but our steps are ordered by the Lord. Thursday the U-17 Soccer Team won the Africa Championship... resulting in the President declaring a holiday, and inviting the NAPSA students to his reception party for the team. This cut our Saturday session short. What was scheduled to start at 8 am only started at 10 am, and after the 1/2 hr protocol of dignitary introductions, only 2 topics were presented before the students had to leave for the celebration... Giving them very clear instructions to be on time on Sunday to enable us to complete the planned topics... only one student was there on time... (GMT Gambia Maybe Time)! By now Nathan has the "Be flexible" motto well rehursed!

YWAM Commissioning - Before leaving The Gambia last year, Donald approached me and shared about the impact of my working with his youth group on his own life. Little did I know that after I left The Gambia in June, in a discussion with Sylvester (YFC National Director and Donalds friend) Donald said, "We have been on the receiving end of missionaries coming and giving of themselves to us... it time for us to give to the Lord as well". Donald took a step of faith and enrolled in Discipleship Training with Youth With A Mission. God's perfect timing allowed us to pray for him at the commissioning of his class as they embarked on a two month outreach to Guinea Bissau!! I feel like I have given birth to a missionary, as Donald shared that after the outreach, he plans to go into full time missions reaching out to youth in Casamance (area of Senegal south of The Gambia)!