Monday, January 23, 2012

Pursuing a dream...

"I always wanted to go and study public relations! This is the perfect opportunity"... Bonnie had polio as a child and as 23, and struggled to find a job after matric.  Babalwa and Siphokazi are young mothers who have the challenge of single parenting responsibilities at a young age.

Over 4,000 people applied for a few openings Public Relations, Business Management & Tourism classes through 4 South Cape College campuses (George, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn & Knysna).  Michael, Babalwa, Siphokazi and Patricia (nickname Bonnie) passed an aptitude test and have been accepted after 3 trips to George.  

Burseries provide not only for the education, but also for housing in George, or travel from Knysna.

A sincere "thank you" to the friends who contributed to the petrol as Nathan brought these hopeful students back and forth to George throughout the application process.

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" (Psalm 37:4)

God's Blessing (new flat & blessing)

Nathan has been mentoring a young man (Cameron Johns) at church, including him in some ministry opportunities (prison ministry).   

Cameron's faith was once again boosted as three weeks before eviction due to a major rehab and maintenance plan of his old flat, a new flat was made available. 

As always God's timing is absolutely perfect, for Carol went into labor 7 days after Cameron's sister arrived from Canada, and 5 days after they moved into the new flat.  

"Baby boy" John (not named yet) arrived at 2am this morning after a quick labor and only 4 hours at hospital, he came home only 13 hours later!!

Please consider assisting them with some basics like a double bed, small fridge, or even a microwave oven.  Please contact Nathan at 082 957 0253 with any assistance.  Let us help join together and give this family a step up.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ephriam's Gardens

Today after church we visited Ephriam & Annie's vegetable gardens.

At this home, he rents the land all around the house for okra and spinach...

paying the property owners a percentage of the profit.

Next stop was his house which has Collard greens planted in every square cm.

Every week for 4 months he will pick 60 bundles of collard greens from his yard and sell them.  Saving from some of his profit to purchase a water pump to take back to his home village in Malawi where his family owns land close to a river.

Once in Malawi he desires to start a church in his village, using his skills to help others by employing and teaching some of the villagers subsistence farming and woodworking skills to others.
He is also keen to start a brick making project.

If you know someone interested in assisting this amazing "self-starter", please contact Nathan for details.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Youth Week 2012

Welcome Maggie Draughon!!

Newest addition to the Knysna YFC Int'l Volunteers!

Maggie left her awesome parents in Nashville to spend 5 months serving the Lord in Knysna. (I know because her mom kept in touch with me through facebook waiting for her to land in George, and I listened in to her phone call to them after she arrived!!)

Just in time for Youth Week, Maggie spent one night before joining 47 other youth from Knysna on a 19 hour bus ride to Youth Week!

Not only will the week be INCREDIBLE!  But the Knysna contingent chose "The Incredibles" for their team name!!

In October Nathan felt God leading him to find sponsors for 20 disadvantaged kids to spend a fun-filled week growing closer to God and each other.

As he was searching for sponsors The Rock offered to supply their own bus and some petrol for the trip... A HUGE "Thank You" for their commitment to "advancing God's Kingdom"!

Side note... Happy Birthday to The Rock this week!  God has been using them in Knysna for 3 years!!

After the students lined up for the official "head count",  parents prayed... and they were off to join forces with YFC-George for the rest of the trip.

In the words of one student (pictured above)  in a note of thanks to his sponsor... "thank you, thank you, thank you - you have just spared me a life-changing process and I will not disappoint.  Thank God we still have people with great hearts.  May God continue to pour His blessing down on you!"

John 5:19 "I tell you the truth, the son can do nothing by himself, he can do only do what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does."  Just as the theme verse for Youth Week says... the glory goes to the Father.  Thank you to all our sponsors, you were obedient to Him and 20 students are attending Youth Week.

ALL the glory goes to the Father!!

Nathan and I returned home after the send off to find our kitchen in this condition...

"Do you think the volunteers were in a hurry to leave?!!"

Gotta love being hosts to the volunteers!