Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Closets at The Island Church overflowing...

It was time once again to distribute clothing and various household items to the Hlalane settlement.

With little ones on their backs, mothers patiently waited their turn to choose items for their children, husbands and themselves. After one trip through the line, they returned to the end of the line for one more trip through the tables. I think there was as much joy on the faces of the church volunteers as the recipients when they saw God's love meeting the simplest needs.

After the tables were empty, the children were anxious for our regular Wednesday Bible Story and a meal from the soup kitchen. Sitting in a 'boat' in the 'water' singing "My God Is So Great" we praised Jesus for helping Peter walk on water, and helping us with our impossible situations when we look at Him for help.

"My God is so great, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do... for you!"

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Back in school... No, not for ministry, Nathan is literally back to academic studies.

Jehovah Jirah (God - our Provider) put it in the hearts of close friends and The Island Church council to supply the finances for the 3 year programme; fulfilling Nathan's hearts desire to complete a Master's programme in Biblical Counseling.
During this hot summer, you will find him in the coolest room of the basement, reading, listening to lectures and writing papers... to prepare for the next season God has planned.

Commissioning Service for BSSM...

Challenging the audience to visualize the room (place of service) God has them in as bigger than it appears... in fact it is only limited to the restriction we put on it; it was in thes context Trevor shared his testimony. (Invited for this special occasion, Trevor & Sharon Baker from Revival Fire Ministries of UK). When Trevor met Christ he had just come from living in a 9 X 9 prison cell, and God asked him "How big is your room?" He moved from that cell of confinement into a mansion of freedom and open heart in which the Holy Spirit's power was only limited to his imagination.

Having completed their 2nd year of study at the Bethel Supernatural School of Ministry, the students were commissioned to activate their effective ministry giftings. Through a spiritual impartation, Trevor prayed for the students in order that signs and wonders would follow to ultimately lead people to salvation in Christ and initiate healing and restoration. Armed with this annointing the students were sent forth to all the nations in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Back home in Knysna with Nathan, safe-n-sound, and back to ministry!

Acclimating myself slowly to life in South Africa, I joined Nathan last week at the Hostel... had a wonderful time with returning students that I knew from last year, playing challenging thinking games when they weren't doing homework.

This week,
- taught Children's Church - the class has changed (new school year started in Jan) now teaching 18 students, but 7 of them are 4 and under! Nathan has 16 in his 13-18 yr old class!

- Back into the schools this week, with an assembly at Tembalitsha supporting Nathan as he spoke to over 900 students about the gift that their Heavenly Father has given them of their sexuality, and the importance of abstaining until the right time (marriage) to give away the gift!

- Tomorrow will be teaching the children at Hlalane (soup kitchen) about Jesus having compassion for and healing the man with the withered hand.
- Thursday will be a meeting with Eunice at YFC to learn of my new responsibilities (changes happened while I was in the US) mostly a new program "Families Matter" which includes parenting camps (the next one is Feb 27/28).

A side note... this morning while Nathan was facilitating BSSM (Bethel Supernatural
School of Ministry) at church, I spent the whole morning chasing sugar ants... Having the uncanny nack to find any single speck of food, they have taken over the kitchen, including the fridge!!! This is now war, since I also spent yesterday wiping down every surface with bleach and spraying all know entry crevices with crawling bug spray!

TIA (This Is Africa)

Sorry, I didn'ts have any pictures of parents when I posted the blog...

Here are the proud parents

Tiffany Stobie and Johnny Saraceno