Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort--we get a full measure of that, too." (2 Corinthians 1:3-5 The Message Bible)

training... training... training...

Last week Julianna completed the 3 day Options "Equipped To Serve" Counseling course for women facing crisis pregnancies. (ok, yes, I have taken this one twice... one can never be too prepared!)

and... today I received my certificate for completing 40 hours of formal training based on Selwyn Hughes Christian Counselling trainig course given by Reverand Winston Dickerson (St. Paul's Grahamstown)

Now that I am back into the swing of ministry at Options, I am ready to jump in with both feet!

CONGRATS... it is official. Completing a 3 year process of police clearances, reference checks Nathan is authorized to minister as a volunteer spiritual worker at the Knysna Correction Centre.

So... what does that mean? Nathan now has the privilege of bringing along fellow believers to participate in ministry to the inmates. He can now arrange Bible Studies, Life Skills programs, and any restorative justice programs that would bring about rehabilitaion. Prior to this, Nathan's access was tied to collaborative efforts at the request of other volunteer spiritual workers.

In conjunction to this privilege, Nathan has also been elected to the Executive Committee of all spiritual workers for the correctional centre.

I'm very proud of my hubby!
Worship rocked the roof of The Christian Faith Mission on Saturday night!

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Invited by Youth Ablaze (a youth initiative involving all local churches in the Hornlee area)the crowd came to meet with Jesus.

Following the CFM worship team, the youth choir of the Apostolic Faith Mission blessed the audience with accapella songs in Xhosa.

Traveling all the way from Cape Town as the feature attraction, SOULT (Youth Band for Father's House Durbanville)ministered in song, personal testimony and prayer through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Using a message from "Antoine Fisher", Ruben Bosman shared that Jesus wants to heal the deep hurts in our lives. Our job is to be vulnerable before God to allow Him access. Moved by the message, one girl responded with deep conviction to repentance and to receive inner healing and abundant life from Jesus.

John 10:10 A thief is only here to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. (The Message Bible)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

While in the US this last Christmas I attended a few churches collecting boxes for Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan's Purse(see below). The video shown in the churches showed families collecting items to fill a shoe box for children in developing countries as a way to share God's love for them, as well as the children opening the boxes on the other side of the world amazed that the shoes in the box were just what they had been praying for.

Today those very boxes were distributed in Hlalane to the kids at our soup kitchen.

After a time of games and singing, a wonderful presentation of the "Greatest Gift... Jesus" by Sunshine (YFC staff) in their native Xhosa language held the attention of all ages.

Bringing smiles to the kids, each one came forward with enthusiasm to accept a Christmas box packed with care by Christians in Germany. German toys, chocolates & suckers, crayons & pencils, color books, hats & mittens, toothbrushes & toothpaste were common items in most boxes. Some had other articles of clothing, dolls, sling shots, marbles, etc.

Most of these children have never owned their own box of crayons and color book... and even more exciting to us was the 38 page color booklet explaining "The Greatest Gift Of All" in the Xhosa language that went home for the parents to read (most of our children are age 6 and under).

I can only imagine that I am one of very few people that have witnessed both sides of this project from the collecting to the distribution... Doesn't God allow us wonderful privileges!

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Operation Christmas Child is a 'global Christmas gift exchange' project operated by Samaritan's Purse. Each November it opens thousands of locations, typically at churches or schools, to collect shoeboxes filled with toys, school supplies, personal items, and other gifts. These are then distributed as Christmas gifts to millions of children each year. Gift boxes are collected in North America, Europe, and Australia. From 1993 through 2008, some 69 million gift boxes have been handed out in more than 130 countries.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mrs Poti stood in awe as her class recited the strategy to overcome peer pressure...

STATE IT: You think we should watch a movie at your house without your parents home?
SELL IT: Let's watch a movie at my house with my sisters, We can stop at the garage and buy a coke to share with them.
MOVE IT: I'm going to watch a movie with my sisters, do you want to come?

They also answered very clearly "What is safe sex?" Only waiting to have sex until you get get married (to someone who has also waited)and remaining faithful to your spouse! Because God created sex for this occasion!

Ready to make a commitment of abstinence until marriage 130 grade 7 students at Tembelitsha, revealed they were listening to our teaching over the past 3 weeks.

Each student thought seriously as they asked their friends to be witness to their oath of purity until marriage. God is working to bring change and hope for the future of the next generation of students in South Africa... we are blessed to be used to encourage them. Thank you for to all our partners who support God's work here!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"An Elephant never gets tired of supporting it's tusks" (African Proverb)

By answering an appeal to assist with the leadership training of the prefects (senior students) of Thembelitsha Primary, ministry included playing with the elephants. Given the task of teaching leadership skills, Nathan provided opportunities for learning through ice-breakers and games in between sessions on Conflict Resolution, Drug & Alcohol Awareness and Leadership Responsibilities. Students learned how to work together to get out of a knot, to work as a team by putting a puzzle together upside down, to listen and give good directions as they guided a blinfolded team member through a maze, and to trust each other as they sat in unison. These student were challenged to take on the privilege of leadership as a responsibility and not as an opportunity to have advantages over their peers.

After leadership learning finished, elephant learning started. With instructions to ask questions, the team was driven to the feeding grounds and interaction with the elephants allowed. Once over 400 elephants roamed the forests in our area, and now only 3 remain, not only the smallest in size but the smallest in population. Even though these elephants are in a controlled environment and trained to interact with humans, there was still much respect for their size and intelligence.

For the occasion of this blog, I looked up proverbs & sayings about elephants... enjoy!

"It is the little things that fret and worry us; you can dodge an elephant but not a fly." (Josh Billings)

"The hunter who is tracking an elephant does not stop to throw stones at birds" (African Proverb)

"There is not enough room for two elephants to sit in the same shade." (African Proverb)

"With a sweet tongue and kindness you can drag an elephant by a hair." (Persian Proverb)

"To take revenge on an enemy give him an elephant - first he must thank you for the gift, and then the elephant's appetite will deplete your enemy's resources." (Nepalese Proverb)

"Although he who walks behind and elephant may feel very secure, he is likely to get splattered with elephant dung" (Lao Proverb)


"I'll become even more undignified than this..."
Invited to speak to the girls at Knysna Primary for National Woman's Day of Prayer, God reminded me that I only have sisters and daughters... girls are my specialty!

Using some YouTube clips, we sang and danced before the Lord like David did at the return of the Ark of The Covenant. Modeling our lives after Hannah, the girls were reminded to seek God for their hearts desires, continuing to pray even if it takes years for God to answer.

Wrapping up by teaching them a song I woke up singing, The All Day Song (John Fisher... from the 70's) "Love Him in the morning when you see the sun arising, Love Him in the evening cause He took you through the day, and in the in between time when you feel the pressure coming, remember that He loves you and He promises to stay... with you..."

"I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High." (Ps 9:1-2)

Monday, March 1, 2010

"Thank you... This camp showed me that I am not alone in my challenges as a parent!

Partnering with Child Welfare, YFC-Options held a 3rd Parenting Camp for 18 parents last weekend. It was a time for these parents to enjoy a serene quiet get-a-way from their kids, and learn how to be better parents. Comments were made that the activities presented along with each workshop helped for deeper understanding; wearing another's shoe, handing an egg to another as the gap grew, tearing your self esteem, etc.

In addition to the practical teaching, the Holy Spirit softened hearts to bring emotional healing to long hidden areas. Freedom from the bondage of bitterness... and for some it was admitting their own sin that caused the challenging current circumstances. During devotions, God revealed the broken places in their heart (crackes in jars of clay), and filled them with His Spirit and love... many tears revealed the work He was doing... giving comfort so that they in turn could give comfort to others.

"Do you know anyone that needs some Bibles?"
Always in need of extra Bibles, this question was an answer to prayer. The Kaleideskoop Church in Knysna was blessed to give away Bibles to organizations and Churches that had a venue for distrubution. Always ready to make the most of the opportunity, Nathan jumped into action. With the Prison "Open Day" for families soon approaching, 120 Bibles in Xhosa and Afrikaans were loaded up in the back of our Combi. Prisoners and Wardens were thrilled to have God's Word available in local languanges...
We know that God's Word will not return void, and we rejoice at the opportunity to be used to share it!