Thursday, May 31, 2012

Farewell to the Int'l Volunteers

(see the video they made of their experience here )

The time has come to say farewell... but it isn't "good bye", 
it is "Til we meet again!"

Caroline took Maggie to the airport, so I have no picture, but as you can see, "the airport and the bus have taken all your girls!" (a quote from my Gambian son Paul when my daughters left The Gambia)

The sun has set on this season...  
in July the airport will bring us more girls!
(yes, I know... another sunset picture from my back porch
 GOD gets all the credit!)

the only extra in the house is the huge rain spider (5" across)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

To my son...

Strive 2 b the best u can b

On every path u take,
     With every single test,
Try the hardest that u can,
     Strive 2 do yor best.

Accepting mediocrity,
     Makes it hard to grow,
Instead of being out in frnt,
     u're "going with the flow".

There is a word "ambition",
     Confuse it not with greed,
4 if the difference u can tell,
     Then u should succeed.

To trample on another,
     When reaching 4 the top,
Will only bring u lots of pain,
     If ever u should drop.

If showing of respect,
    2 others u deny,
Then respect that u expect,
    Will simply pass u by.

Others have opinions,
    Consider that their right,
Therefore when u disagree,
    U don't have 2 fight.

In life u can b sad,
    Or else u can rejoice,
Each of them is up 2 u
    Because u have a choice.

Love daddy O

Youth Alpha - Holy Spirit Weekend

A special weekend was spent with the kids attending Youth Alpha from Emmanuel Ministries.  This weekend comes after the youth have spent time discovering the answers to:
"Why did Jesus Die?",
"How Can We Have Faith?"
"Why and How Do I Pray?"
"Why & How Should I Read the Bible?"
"How Does God Guide Us?"

The focus now that they have been introduced to Jesus is:

"Who is The Holy Spirit".

Theuns Visser provided an evening of worship Friday to prepare hearts for what God wanted to teach them.

Nathan led the 1st talk "Who Is The Holy Spirit."

It was evident in the small groups that most of the youth didn't have an under-standing of the Holy Spirit before this.

Many of them described Him as a myth, ghost, power - but none of knew about having a relationship with the Holy Spirit and were open to finding out more.

The evening ended with a nice campfire then ready for bed.

Saturday started with another session on "How To Be Filled With the Holy Spirit" given by Chanel Long (YFC and The Island Church).  Much time was spent as the leaders prayed with each of the youth who asked - for them it was an amazing experience as God revealed Himself to them personally.

The rest of the day was spent with organized activities such as games and free time.  Each group also put together a Bible skit for the evening program.

The movie "Soul Surfer" ended the evening giving everyone something to think about.

Theo's final talk Sunday, "How to make the most of the rest of your life" was a strong message.

Giving opportunity for the youth to reflect on things and activities in their life that was not pleasing to God.

With pen and paper in hand each one wrote down the sins that Jesus took upon Himself on the cross, and then the sins were burned in a box at the foot of the cross.

Reflecting upon the whole weekend, it appeared that some of the youth came home changed and others still had hard hearts.  Our prayer is that as God continues to work in them, they will remember the lessons learned and apply them.

"All this I have spoken while still with you.  But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." 
(John 14:25-26)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Stroll at sunset

Beginning of walk
My husband loves me and his dog!!  He planned to walk us at the perfect time and place for sunset pictures... he knows what makes us both happy!!

Knysna Paddle Cruiser at sunset
Thesen Pier

Time to play while waiting for the sunset colors
Through the tires!

Now back to the pier for God to put on a spectacular show... lasted about 20 minutes!!

Psalm 19:1-4

The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

 Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they display knowledge.

There is no speech or language  
where their voice is nor heard

Their voice goes out into all the earth,  
 their words to the end of the world.

One last cuddle

Taking advantage of the last few minutes of living at our home, Lissy cuddles with Chloe and Christopher while Candice packs up the car.  
Everyone is safely back at Grandma's house!!

I think Lissy is going to miss the twins more than Candice is going to miss Lissy's help!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Seagull snatch

How's this for a bizaar story...

Today we took Barnabas for a swim at Plett lagoon, on tossing the ball for him a seagull beat him to the chase and flew off with his ball.

We were first perplex or maybe even dumb founded then attempted pursuit of course we don't fly but a birds got to land sometime. 

Then to add more humour a 2nd seagul robbed the 1st and flew back in the direction of Julianna who at this stage was splitting her sides with laughter. The 2nd bird landed meters from where she was standing, thus finally rescuing our kidnapped ball. 

The end

This can only happen to us. God has such a sense of humour and its his will that we laugh with.

He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy. (Job 8:21)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Karoo Mighty Men

April in South Africa means Easter, School Holidays and the Mighty Men Conference.  Once again Nathan organized for a group of 9, dad's & lad's, from The Island Church to attend the Karoo MMC in Middleburg.  

A time for men to consider their God-given role as priest, prophet and king... taking their rightful place and responsibility for their family.

Most important 1st stop was breakfast on the roadside. Struan Law offered to pull the trailer.(thanks buddy!)

 At the campsite, the boys asked "Uncle Nathan where are the toilets?"  Nathan handed them a spade and said "Dig yourself a hole."

(no, really there was some long drops already prepared for them!)

Ooops... someone forgot the top of the gazebo... thank the Lord for a tarp, and the huge tent next door to protect from the wind.

What is that in Nathan's hand... Look momma, he is eating an apple!!

Found our place to sit and ready to worship with
Robert Churchyard.

 Leo Churchyard, Nathan and Kudzai (Nathan's Zimbabwean 'son')

 Crest and his father Michael (more of the Island Church gang), Nathan and Leo

 Real men cook with a gas stove... using the trailer to protect from the wind.

Final service when the wives are invited to join.